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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PST

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indigenous people, which i'm glad our school took time to do. i was surprised even though wef? observed the holiday known as columbus daysvñ? weekend we didt educate our children on why we observed it. i found it ironic that something indigenous could be perceived as principals and teachers and parents weret÷ñ?ñ?ñ supportive d these types of events provide acceptances and understanding of other cultures and give us better understanding and appreciation of our own. so even though it was a labor of love and strong emphasis on labor and love, that this was a collaborative effort that would not have happened without the support of our principal, our internal pco board and the family voice and of course the indian education program.
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michael -- that becomes an annual program and feel strongly with the continued support of9[? the members of the board of education, our superintendent's office and the indian education program that this could be implemented inese r every schol throughout the district. thank you. >> thank you. item k, advisory committee reports and appointments to advisory committee by the board members. any appointment by board members? megan. >> i'd like to appoint aib rel tal ina for the -- commission. >> did you get that? thank you. any other appointments? item l, special order of@?ñ? business. okay.zéçy;8'x just for public hearings and adoptions. i now call the public hearing and adoption between the tentative agreement between the district and united
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administrators of san francisco. is there a motion and a second on the agreement? >> reading of the recommendation by superintendent or designee tom ruiz. >> the requested action for this is the board of education conducts the public hearing and the related public disclosure documented. i'd like to thank bothqs÷s]y bargaining teams from uasf andz the district for promoting this agreementy0$[qqv. i believe we have some speakers also. >> good evening, president yee, commissioners, and superintendent carranza. i'm here to thank the district
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and the uass negotiation team through interest based bargaining we came up with this agreement and i encourage the board to adopt this. while i'm up here i want to say i'm happy about the passing of prop 30 and we are looking forward to working on the successor agreement with the negotiation@añ?ñ? team. and this is our members here to support that. thank you. >> thank you. comments from the board, superintendent. commissioner wynns. >> commissioner wynns: i want to thank everybody on both sides of the bargaining teams for reaching this agreement and happy to see it here. >> superintendent carranza. >> superintendant carranza: i would also like to thank our labor partners, uasf for reaching this agreement and being partners with[qtzym us dug
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the good times and during difficult times. so we appreciate it. thank you. >> okay. let's have a roll call. >> ms. lee, yes. ms. wong, yes. ms. fewer, yes. ms. maufas, yes. ms. mendoza, yes. dr. maurice, aye. dr. nor ton, yes. ms. wynns, aye. mr. yee, yes. >> i call the public hearing and adoption between the district and the auto mechanics local 1414. there is a motion and second? >> so moved. >> i second. >> reading and recommendation by the superintendent or designee. mr. ruiz. >> thank you, president yee. the -- this tentative agreement is with our auto machinists, local 1414, and again the requested action is that the
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board conducts a public hearing and adopts the tentative agreement and related public disclosure document. i want to thank the crafts bargaining teams which laid the foundation for this agreement and in particular art gonzalez, the field rep for the machinis machinists. >> i'd like to say, you know, to tom and your team, you know, a job well done. this has been a really good year, and you've work really hard. and these agreements, as everybody knows, this just doesn't come automatically. so thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i'd also like to thank the machinists and local 1414, and all of the district team members as well, for reaching an agreement. again, we want to thank you for
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being our partners in the good times and in the bad times and we're looking forward to many more good times. so thank you. >> roll call please. >> thank you. ms. lee, yes. ms. wong, yes. ms. fewer, yes. ms. maufas, ms. mendoza, yes. murase, yes. six ayes. >> is there a motion and second to the 2012 williams settlementable report. >> so moved. >> second. >> reading of recommendation by the superintendent or designeesp ruth deep. superintendent. the action is that the board of education for san francisco unified accept the report from independent auditors for the 2012 visits of the district 28 schools that arel[7unuç ranked 1
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through three on the academic performance api. >> yes questions from the board? >> i just want to say i was very pleased to read that most of all of our facilitiese7amn!7w were n compliance with the audit, with the exception of two school facilities, and apparently those deficiencies were addressed right away. so i want to thank david goldin and his staff and the williams team on responding so rapidly. >> thank you. >> vice president norton. >> vice president norton: thank you. i was -- i did hear1jsdzen some complaints that were not reflected in the audit report about middle school textbooks not being available for all students, particularly students in special day classes. and i'm just wondering if the auditors found any -- that there
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was any -- you know, that they noticed any instances of that. i did hear complaints and each with my own child actually had to request a textbook twice to get one. upon so i'm just wondering if there is any information about that. >> well, this report deals with the 20 schools that are framed in -- 1 through 3. we also have auditors that will be going out to inspect the rest of the schools that are not in the 28 schools that are subject throughout the year. any new complaints that come in are addressed through my office, and also the textbookswzñ?ñ? of. >> off line if somebody could get me information on that, tha? was a widespread problem or just isolated to a couple of schools. thanks. >> no more? roll call please. >> thank you. ms. lee, yes.
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ms. wong, yes. ms. fewer, yes. ms. maufas, yes. ms. mendoza, yes. dr. murase, aye. ms. norton, yes. ms. wynns, yes. mr. yee, yes. >> discussion on other educational matters tonight? >> i'm sorry. if i may take this moment i was just reminded when she mentioned something. during the commendation for the indian education program title 7, is it possible to ask the authors to add my name to that resolution. i know and i believe maybe the rest of our board to like to be added if it's all right with the authors. thank you. >> never too late. >> thank you for asking. >> okay. item n, consent calendar resolutions, not tonight. item o, vote on consent
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calendar, moved and seconded under section s. roll call please. >> thank you. ms. wong, yes. ms. fewer, yes. ms. maufas, yes, except i seen abstain on item 2(g). ms. mendoza, yes, dr. murase, aye, ms. nor ton, aye, ms. wynns, aye, yee, aye. >> superintendent's proposal, first reading and a second. hold on. this is 11211-13sp1, adoption of exemptions of physical education requirement. there is a motion and a second? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. this will be referred to the rules policy and legislative committee meeting taking place tomorrow night from 4:00 to
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6:00. is that correct? iswgbft4zkaokay. reading. none tonight. item s board member reports, report of the c and school district select committee october 25, 2012, reporting would be commissioners fewer, maufas, and mendoza. >> thanks, president yee. we discussed the a through g -- comments for high schools and we also discussed who -- which students were on track and which and actually i believe every board member'q]%#ñ has that powerpoint. is that correct, dr. shulz? >> yes. >> so every board member has a copy of the powerpoint that was presented at that meeting. >> is that it? okay. thank you.
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thank you very much. reportp:0/#®z for the augmented curriculum and program committee, november 5, 2012, commissioner fewer. >> commissioner fewer: thank you again, president yee. so we had an update on a through g graduation requirements and were told we have almost 2,000 students that will need intervention and we don't have in he money to do it. also we discussed the parent involvement policy and then we had an update on special education, again on the disproportionality issue. thank you. >> thank you. report from the augmented budget and businesses services committee, november upo 7, repog will be commissioner mendoza mengetsd we scheduled this for election on weather yay or neigh thanayon prop 30.
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although don't get excited because it only stabilizes us temporarily but at least we'll know what we will be getting for the next several years. so we had some goodíl9[ç around what that will look like. we still have -- we won't have any mid-year cuts for 12-13 but we will be seeing cuts in the coming years. so there will be deficits that we'll be facing, in the coming years. we talked about the mandated cost block[u&,9- getting some additional dollars from that. and then the budget projections were bleak. they continue to be bleak. so once again, we're not -- we're still in a position where we'll be cutting and modifying and adjusting for next year.
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giving. >> who's first? commissioner wynns. >> commissioner wynns: i just mandated cost block grant be distributed to all the board members and hopefully at some time in the future we could have a discussion about that, because how this is going to work, this is another new change to the funding structure. it would be good for us all to know before we do the budget next year, to understand that better, i think. thank you. >> can i just encourage, if you haven't received this, mr. lee, all of the board members we asked for your input on what you'd like to hear. coming up we'd like to do our budget committee earlier rather than later knowing there are additional cuts we have to focus on and to set our priorities. we also have had several discussions around this possible
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supplemental coming from the city so there will be some discussions around what we're going to be doing to continue to fund what the city is potentially going to be funding. tough decisions to make and we want to do it earlier rather than later. so did you get any feedback from anyone? i'm going to put you all out there now. >> i hate to do this commissioners but no i haven't received any feedback yet. if it would be helpful i can resend recirculate the e-mail. i know it was at an inopportune time for a lot of you. >> we want to encourage you because it's information like the block grant you had requested, commissioner wynns that helps understand the budget better and will help us make priority choices which we know we will have to do. thank you. >> vice president norton nngetsd i was going to ask the same question about the materials that commissioner wynns asked.
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>> commissioner -- >> thank you. i just wanted to announce that the city select committee, next meeting is november 29, thursd thursday. >> any other -- commissioner murase. >> we will talk about fees for community partners using schoolh facilities. >> i just want to also remind everybody that there is a committee of the whole on december 4, and we are almost narrowed in on a topic. >> commissioner fewer. >> commissioner fewer: i just want to wish everybody a happy thanksgiving. >> is there a meeting at your home on thanksgiving or something?
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okay. >> commissioner yee, i can do this later but based on the discussion i just had with deputy superintendent lee this afternoon and something i will be doing tomorrow, i think it would be good if somewhere in the budget committee we could cuts, and what the impact of those might be. >> the fiscal cliff you mean? >> well i'm doing a conference call tomorrow with nsca about the possible impact of equest ration. but whatever they look like, and if they occur, it would be good for us to understand what that impact might be on us, i think. that's another piece -- something that we're going to need, information we're going to need if we're going to -- before we start doing the budget development in my view, we need to understand these various things. thank you. >> commissioner -- >> i just wanted to announce that the mission education
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center is having their annual first thanksgiving on friday, and the chinese education center is having their first thanksgiving in america for their students next week on the 20th. >> commissionerh1ñ?ñ?ñ maufas. >> commissioner maufas: you continue to draw out the meeting because it's not yet close to 7:30. thank you. >> we're trying our best. item t, report ofç actions. closed session actions of october 30, 2012, board of education with a vote of 5 ayes, two absentees and -- in the case of the 9th commission corporation versus?áh cgc-is 1-51387, san francisco superior court pursuant to which the district will acquire fee
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title to the subject property in september 2013, along withdh249 certain overdue management fees totaling approximately 150,000 in exchange for which district is dismissing its counterclaims in action with prejudice. the board of education by a vote of 4 ayes and three absences, wynns maufas and yee approve the the contract for one program administrator. item u, other informational items posted in the agenda is a staff report on informational notice of classified personnel trackses, and item v, adjourn. meeting adjourned. ú
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hello, welcome to the regular meeting of the budget and finance meeting. i'm carmen chu, chairman, joined by vice chair supervisor avalos. we will be joined by supervisor kim shortly. our clerk is mr. victor young. do you have announcements? >> yes.
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silence all cell phones and electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the november 20th, 2012 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. during public comments please line up on the left side of the room by the windows. >> just a few announcements before we begin. i do want to thank our clerk, sfgtv and building management for helping us to put up the lighting. many folks in the room may know we did have an electrical fire yesterday. that resulted in a fire. which is why we have the lighting that is up. i want to ask all the members of the public here with us say thank you for your patience. just a few things. i know there is a glare or light directly in your face. unfortunately we are not able to move that. we need to light the podium so sfgtv will be able to
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pick up the image on television and show or broadcast that. in addition to that the air conditioning is not on. so please do have patience with us today. we are going to try to get through this meeting as quickly as we can but also make sure we have full public process while we are doing that. we have also set up another room. room 263 as the overflow room. if you are not able to find a seat in this room, we do have another. room 263 across the hall for overflow capacity. so that concludes my announcements. >> mr. young, item one. >> item one, resolution authorizing san francisco department of public health to retroactively accept and expend grant of 120,000 from california wellness foundation to participate in program entitled adolescent health working group health education collaborative for the period of october 1, 2012
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through september 30, 2014. >> thank you. we have michael baxter from the department of public health on this item. the other thing i should mention is for department heads or budget analysts on either side of the rail, when you make your presentation please come up to the podium to speak. we will not be able to pick up your image on the other side as well. >> good morning supervisors. this is a simple request. the california wellness foundation is giving the department 120,000, 60,000 of each over two years. it is supporting a larger project between the department of public health, unified school district and about six community-based agencies. we are in support of the unified district's recent resolution to support 15 hours of sexual health education in the class room for all ninth graders. so this is partial funding for that project. >> thank you very much. this item there are no matching funds required?
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>> no. >> no additional staffing? >> correct. >> great. with this item we do not have a budget analyst report with it so i would like to open this for public comment. any members of the public who wish to speak on item none? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> motion to approve. >> we have a motion to send this forward without recommendation, without objection. item two. >> resolution authorizing department of environment a grant of 400,000 from united states department of environmental protection for preparing cleanup plans for potentially contaminated areas in southeast san francisco in support of the bluegreenway project for period of october 1st, 2012 through october 31, 2015. >> supervisor chu, supervisor avalos, mr. rodriguez, department of environment. we are here seeking your support of the resolution.
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it is a grant the department received from the epa to continue our brownfield project effort in the bay view and hunter's point community. this will allow us to go out and inventory brownfield sites, do site assessment, preliminary work and identify properties for potentially linking the blue greenway project to it. this is in partnership with port of san francisco, parks alliance in order to open up greater access to the southeastern waterfront . in addition this was announced with the epa as a companion effort. the epa awarded 400,000 in workforce training to hunter's park family and workforce for collaborating with hunter's point family so their folks have an opportunity to gain access and expertise as we do this project. we urge your support of the resolution, thank you. >> thank you very much. on this item, similarly
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there, are no matching funds required or additional personnel hired? >> that's correct. >> okay. we don't have a budget analyst report item either, so why don't i open this for public comment. are there members of the public who wish to speak on item two? come on up. >> hi, supervisors. i'm tom king. i'm not a lobbyist or a paid employee here. i just had a meeting locally here. i just wanted to come because i think the focus throughout all the budget meetings should be on reducing expenses. my main concern is that the agendas are not detailed enough. i think they should be more detailed for the public to better evaluate. with respect to this item, 400k seems kind of high. wondering how many sites are involved. something basic like that would help the overall evaluation, thanks. >> thank you very much. are there any other speakers?
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>> good morning, supervisors. my name is karin woods. i worked on the blue greenway project for six years with the neighborhood parks council, which is now the parks alliance. this is a really good step forward to get this grant because while the port has done a tremendous job of creating parks along the blue greenway, there are gaps. this will help determine whether there are any environmentally challenged areas of the southeast waterfront could be included in the blue greenway. i urge your support, thank you. >> thank you. are there other members of the public who wish to speak on item number two? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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to the gentleman requesting more information we want to absolutely make sure we are providing as much detail as possible from the documents we have been provided. the 400,000 is a grant provided by a different entity. we are receiving the dollars, not budgeting it from the fund. it is a grant received and allocated from the usepa. they are the folks who actually do determine the level of funding that is necessary for -- or that they are giving per each grant. the grant would be able to perform an assessment on eight to ten properties, so this will continue to help us along as we take a look at different sites throughout the city. if there are additional questions you may have on this particular item perhaps i can ask for a follow up. thank you. we have public comments. do we have a motion to send this forward with recommendation? >> madam chair? >> yes. >> retroactivety. >> thank you. before we do that do we have a motion to accept the
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grant retro actively? this is beginning october 1st, 2012. we passed october 1st so we need to approve this retroactively to october 1st, 2012 and send the item forward with retroactive approval to the full board for recommendation. >> so moved. >> we have a motion, a second. we will do that without objection. thank you. item three, please. >> resolution authorizing san francisco department of public health to retroactively accept and expend grant of 196,10 $4 from centers for disease control and prevention to participate in program entitled medical monitoring project for period of june 1,2012 through may 31,2013. >> thank you. we have dean goodwin from department of public health. >> good morning. this is a surveillance activity grant, an ongoing